Can I run it? – How to speed up my PC and play games on a slow computer
Have you ever worried about thoughts like “can my PC run this game” or “is my PC good enough for…”? This is the problem that many passionate gamers have as the advancement of gaming technologies goes on and brings more to the table. New games require better equipment to access its top-notch features and get the greatest experience ever. If you want to understand how to improve your PC performance and do not know where to start… stop right here and look no further! Boosteroid has made a short introduction to the manual “You can speed up your PC right now” And we are beginning with…
Upgrading your system.
If you are not afraid to pay a hefty sum for your joy, getting the best gaming performance at the moment – you may think about purchasing the “storehouse” of gaming power. Have a quick look at how much it would cost: the latest CPUs by Intel or AMD will be from 400 to 700$ (and more); GPUs, if we are not talking about older versions that may about 200$, will start from 300$ and up to A LOT; storage, HDD – about 50$, SSD – 100$ for 1 TB; finally, motherboard prices start from 100$. To sum up, the high-powered gaming PC cost starts from 1,000 – 1,500$ (and those are not the final limits for the best experience), it will provide you with impeccable service now and will be ready for next-gen games to come. Yes, there are cheaper options on the market, but you will get worse efficiency when dealing with the most prominent games of tomorrow.

You may have heard of this method – “overclocking”. What is it? Well, CPU and GPU have their standard limits of speed, beyond which they are not meant to go. The overclocking is exactly going “beyond” those limits. As a result, you might get better performance of your CPU or GPU. How to do that? For CPU, you need to get into your computer’s BIOS and from there you can increase the clock rate (or/and voltage). For GPU, there is no need to go into BIOS, because all that can be done from Windows. Usually, drivers to the graphic cards, like AMD or Nvidia, have overclocking support within (Catalyst Control Center – AMD; System Tools utility – Nvidia). The process of overclocking is the following: you adjust sliders for the clock, memory, and fan speed (clock and voltage in CPUs) – then you check how your system responds, and so on. Attention! There are common pitfalls that can lead to a disaster. The dangers with overclocking come when your PC does not have proper cooling, as both CPU and GPU will overheat significantly during the overclocking. In addition, some CPUs and GPUs either cannot be overclocked, does not need it (as it comes already in full potential), or overclocking can be, in some cases, deteriorative. So, you should keep all that in mind and get more information about your system before getting into unexpected problems. There are cases when customers got their CPUs working worse than before or not working at all after overclocking. Be careful!
Game settings.
This is one of the easiest and most obvious ways to improve your gaming experience. You open the game settings and lower (if not enough – shut down) such things like shadows, depth of field, world detail, texture, view distance, etc. Besides, you may consider lowering the resolution on your PC, which will alleviate some of the burdens on a graphics card. Thus, you will get the game closer to your PC capabilities, and it should increase FPS and the running speed. Although you will sacrifice visual perfection, it is better than not play at all!
Drivers, Carl!
Talking about advancement, the drivers that affect the performance of your graphics card are constantly being upgraded. To help your graphics card with the game, you should download the latest version of the graphics driver.

the next little tricks can be quite useful but on a smaller scale:
CPU changes.
CPU is a real multitasker, and we all know how difficult juggling with different items is. Sometimes, there are too many things going on simultaneously on the computer, distracting it from giving you the ultimate gaming experience. For example, there might be unnecessary pre-downloaded programs that start working automatically as soon as your computer is on, and your CPU ought to process them. To deal with that, you may try closing some unnecessary processes in the Task Manager. Also, you can click on the “adjust for best performances” on the “Visual Effects” tab, which can be found through a right-click on “This PC”, then choosing “Properties” > “Advanced system settings” > there should be a tab “Advanced”, where you should click on the “Settings” under the category “Performance” – – – this long process may help with running games faster.
Hard drive.
Your computer will (inevitably, with the flow of time) store a lot of unnecessary trash that can hinder the overall speed of a computer. To do that, you should go again to “This PC”, choose a drive, and there will appear “Drive Tools” up there, click “Manage”, and you shall see two tools: “Optimize” and “Cleanup”. The former is for defragging hard drives (the “Optimize” button is a way to optimize drivers for your computer to run more efficiently), while the latter is for clearing trash (its interface is quite self-explanatory). However, cleaning is not something that can significantly improve your gaming experience, but it can help your system with tackling other tasks.
Cloud Gaming.
… OR! You can choose Boosteroid as your gateway to the finest gaming experience out there! It’s a cloud gaming service, allowing you to play anywhere just via your browser with maximum quality. Oooohhh! No brain damage when dealing with complicated computer systems – you do not need to worry about making an irreversible mistake in BIOS or constantly checking the latest drivers to play a game. No pocket-squeezing prices to pay for some expensive GPU will be haunting you anymore. No more doubts about whether your PC can run the game – even a smartphone can run the game with our boost! A quick subscription to Boosteroid and play what you like right now. Literally, anything you would like to play… right now… or tomorrow…
So, what are you waiting for?