Games You May Have Missed

Hey, gamers! Here we are sharing with you the list of cool titles every player should check out.


All of the game’s story campaigns revolve around the magical Vortex. Since ancient times it has been pulling magic power from the world and weakening demons, thus protecting the whole planet from the forces of Chaos.

However, as thousands of years passed, the charms weakened and the vortex became unstable. So now some of the fantasy world’s inhabiting races (more specifically dark elves and skavens) decided to take advantage of the breach in the spell to subjugate the flows of magical energy. The higher elves and human skavers, on the contrary, want to stabilize the Vortex and prevent the fall of the protection established by the Ancient Gods.

So choose a faction whose goal is closer to you and go ahead to perform the magic rituals necessary to subdue/restore the Vortex. Also, don’t forget to enlist the support of allied factions and wipe out your enemies from the face of the planet!

The Forest

You are a passenger on a plane that crashes and crashes in an unknown forest miles away from civilization. Only a few people survive and you are one of them. It becomes clear that there is no point in waiting for rescue from the outside, so you start collecting everything that will help you survive. After a while, a terrifying discovery also occurs – you are not alone in the forest. It is populated by mutant man-eaters, who have so far set about eating the dead passengers, but soon the supply will be exhausted and the hunt for survivors will begin and you need to survive in that scary world. 


Batman: Arkham Knight is the final chapter in one of the best video game trilogies of all time. Of course, a great series like Arkham does not end with a short adventure. Instead, the game offers an epic finale that finally ties up all the loose ends in the titular hero’s story.

After a lull, due to the (spoiler alert!) Joker’s death, a storm is coming – the Scarecrow intends to spray a toxin over the city, which, of course, does not bode well for living organisms. All civilians are urgently evacuated. Gangs of thugs run the streets, and, of course, only the billionaire in the bat suit can save the situation. The developers have improved and multiplied all the good things that were in the previous parts. Puzzler puzzles became more interesting, there are more villains and the quests became more diverse. Also, the Batmobile! Yes, fans have been waiting for the appearance of the legendary car much more than Batman himself. Of course, melee battles and stealthy elimination of armed villains – are not gone.


Mount & Blade II Bannerlord takes you to a world where you feel like a real medieval knight.  But you won’t find the beautiful princess here. Only dirt, sweat, and constant battles. Only hardcore. 

Six factions on the global map fight each other for control of territories, the armies of the lords fight on the battlefields with foreigners and brigands, an active caravan trade takes place, production boils in the villages and towns, and noble knights in tournaments defend their honor. There are a lot of activities on the global map, and they alone are enough to call Mount & Blade a truly complex sandbox. But no less elaborate are the battles, where you can spend more than half of the game time. As soon as you decide to take a fight with someone on the global map you will be taken from medieval squad manager mode to third-person action, where you take control of your character and fight your opponents personally. 

The game has a lot to explore and be sure, you will be interested in finding every detail and completing every side quest.
