The image of Booster looking at a sick planet through a magnifying glass

Your Voice Matters at Boosteroid: Let’s Build a Better Gaming World Together!

Dear subscribers!

We deeply appreciate your choice of Boosteroid as your cloud gaming provider. In our quest to continually improve our service, your support and feedback are invaluable. The reports you send to our support team help us identify and resolve issues, improving your gaming experience.

As a token of our gratitude, starting February 1st, we are introducing a rewards program for the most active users who identify problems with our service.

Program rules:

  • Our support specialists, engineers and developers will review the messages that helped improve the service monthly.
  • The authors of the most useful messages will receive a promo code for a 30% discount for a Boosteroid subscription.

Approvement criteria:

  • Messages must be submitted through official support channels between February 1 and February 29, 2024.

The following will not be accepted for consideration:

  • Messages not sent through the official support chat/email.
  • Reports of problems not related to the operation of our service (for example, poor Internet connection or problems on the user’s end).
  • Messages containing aggression, insults or threats.
  • Active bug searching and pentesting are prohibited – attempts to disrupt the service will be punished by immediate account blocking.

In early March, we will publish a list of awarded users acknowledging their contribution to our service improvement.

Important: Submitting a report does not guarantee that you will receive a reward, and the team does not provide individual explanations regarding the selection of specific reports.

The program is now launched as a beta-test for one month. Based on the results achieved, we will decide whether it will be continued.

Thank you for your participation and help in developing our service!
