
Playing video games recognized useful for work

According to last American scientists` researches of Game Academy gaming can change people’s life in business sector. Successful playing video games can have good influence for different professions and even can help get better job.

Most of people knows that nowadays gamer portrait has changed a lot, and it is exactly not enclosed teenager who just wasting the time without real life. For a lot of people gaming became nice kind of relaxing after work and for some even it became work – we talk about gaming tournaments, cosplays or translating playing video games for auditory on Twitch etc.

Another confirmation of gaming popularity is that gaming industry is much bigger that movie and music all together, which means huge plenty of people are playing video games even this moment!

And it’s clear that people who play games are trying to win and become the best, otherwise why they engage with it? Thereby gamers long time hone their skills to reach success in definite game.

Type of video games shows your eventual profession

Whichever type of video games person choose, it shows the skills what he or she can transfer in future or permanent work.  And it is really obvious thing!

Recently, one start-up has convinced that gamers skills, which they`ve earned during years of gaming can be transferred to real life, especially like an achievements in their CVs.  They think that business is ready to acknowledge gamers skills they can bring to the workplace.

Video games allow people to train their brain in battles, management, acting under the pressure, making fast decisions, thinking different scenarios, creating strategies for winning, even video games can teach how to build society – how to distribute money, allocate population, establishing life processes, work in a team (for example multiplayer mode).

According to game type preferences people can understand which work can be more suitable for them and where they can have bigger achievements. For example if person likes unusual puzzle games like Portal, or tower defense games like Defense Grid, maybe he should try IT field, because these type of games is very popular between people of this profession.

People who take pleasure from strategy games like Total War, Civilization, or X-Com, where resource management is a key, might have more in common with managers. So no need even to put your gaming history to your CV, just make conclusions accordingly.

How to use gaming for success at work?

It doesn’t mean that just playing makes you good in everything, but your gaming preference will show which skill you have to develop to reach success at work. The idea of Game Academy is analysis of gamers` habits from their online gaming profile, and then they can join courses in valuable skills that reflect their aptitudes. After it participants will just continue refine skills practicing in-game.

If you play games without thinking which skills you are using it won’t help you at work. But in Game Academy teachers goal is transforming of casual gamers into “conscious” ones, applying critical thinking to developing their skills. And thus players will make their skills relevant to many businesses.

“We see gameplay as a resource of talent,” says co-founder of Game Academy David Barrie. “Social talent, competitiveness, or strategic talent. Why can’t we put on our CVs our gaming victories and achievements? If they say they want leadership – why can’t I point to my years of leading World of Warcraft raids?”

It’s not a new that even military hires gamers. Royal Air Force`s researches show that gamers who are good in playing get better ability of information assimilating, swiftly reacting and actions coordinating whilst remaining calm under pressure. And in military these skills can be used in various roles.

From other side at any work where cooperating is a key, gaming educates work in a team, problem solving and strategic planning. Such habits are necessary in different fields and can be very relevant to certain areas.

Gaming achievements in CV is not so far future

Other institution Glasgow University study made headlines for suggesting gaming could make students more successful two years ago. And one of the authors of study Dr. Matthew Barr, who writes book on the topic, said that research hadn’t really changed minds, at least not yet, but the way started. For today people are still not enough open minded, so if you tell that you play games, it’ll be more possible not getting a job than vice versa.

But few years ago social network were also forbidden at work because it was considered as interrupting of working process and distracting from work. But now it sounds impossible working without Skype or WhatsApp for sending files and quick questions-answers. And even scientists affirm, that using social network at work helps to stabilize nervous system and reduce fatigue.

So, maybe gaming situation is also just a question time? All that is needed for it that someone can articulate how they’ve led a team in an online game, for example, they may be able to persuade an employer that this is useful, explained Dr. Matthew Barr. Then this subject will distribute through the world and will become something usual and not challenging questions.

There are a lot of examples or real life situations when gaming helped people to make them who they are. One successful entrepreneur Matthew Ricci compared Eve game playing with becoming of MBA (Master of Business Administration).

Gamers who play Eve will understand, because that game demands in gaming circles as a “spreadsheet simulator” where the economy of the fictional Eve universe is driven by real market principles. Whether you want to buy or built a new spaceship you have to get raw material from another player. Cost of its manufacturing bases on demand and on haulage distance.

Nowadays Mr. Ricci, who had always dreamed of being the boss of his own company, runs out by his father’s restructured business Zentech, which helps international brands entering the Canadian market. And his success he thanks to his family and “a damn good company in Iceland that made a damn good game”, which teaches him creativity, organization, leadership, and conflict resolution.

Of course, we are still far from taking gamers skills to CV and as a result getting him better job with it became common occurrence.  But first talks comes and then action. Do you think anyone believed that people of entire world will drive, when Carl Bents had created fist auto in 1885? No, but now no one can imagine their life without it. So, we believe that prosperity future for gamers is very close.

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